Where have we been?

So for the the future me, as I don’t know who else will ever read this, here is an update on where you went. The website of course started as a personal project with the goal to build a social media project for myself. I was using a tool called Planoly to work on posting to Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. Unfortunately, I ran into multiple issues with posting to all the platforms which ate up more time than desired. It was a constant back and forth on trying to get the timing sent out and making sure things actually got posted. It was frustrating because I also had to look at a second program, Repurpose.IO, to do the same thing but to have it auto-repost content which worked to some level but was not the most efficient. This was never a perfect solution as connections kept breaking which made it a challenge. Now had we had multiple different channels of the same type it would have been helpful but this was not the right path for us. All of this was just the issue you faced with getting started and you just had a loss of momentum. Additionally, your personal computer crashed so hard that there was no coming back so besides TikTok, you really could not work on making content. Which when paired with other things makes it hard to get going again.

On a less technical side, you had a rough/crazy year. To start you lost another family member which was a real big hit making it hard for you to get going some days. Your girlfriend, now fiancee, also had a family member pass this year which was a much bigger toll. You did great work being there for her but I wish more people could have been there for you when you were struggling. These of course were ongoing things that really go away. You additionally had a crazy first year at your new job trying to find how you fit into the team. There were some ups and some downs but hey, you didn’t get fired so you are doing great! Oh, let’s talk about summer! It was a busy man from the get-go! You got to be a groomsman at your best friend’s wedding! You were able to take this time as a first real trip with your girlfriend where you planned the trip. She got to meet your family and get to bond with them more. That trip was followed up by a work conference in Nashville which meant you got to hit both sides of the country in one month! Fall came in and you were getting back into the ups and downs of a still new job. It was hectic but going through all of that you really got to bond with new team members and build a community. During this time and over winter you also were planning where and how you were going to propose.

This takes us into 2024 where at the start of the year you initiated Operation: Disney Dream (so there wasn’t really a name). For context the last month or so before the trip you and your girlfriend were looking at houses/townhouses/condos so you wouldn’t have to live in an apartment anymore. You left for Disney with an offer put on one location. Fast forward after spending some time in the park at Disneyland you and the party transitioned to California Adventure where you got down on one knee and did the thing! Don’t worry you flubbed everything you planned to say because of course your now-fiancee did everything she could to sabotage the proposal by accident. You tried to get her to the spot for photos and she was super hesitant about going to the spot where nothing was. She also didn’t cooperate with posing and things so you had to just jump down and do it and she happily nodded yes. After you and the party went to go get a drink to celebrate but before you sat down you got a call saying your offer was accepted on the first location. This whole trip was a blast but exhausting. You then went into this start of the year working through getting the property but it ultimately fell through. You did nothing wrong, just that things did not fall into place. But don’t worry you fell into a new townhouse that is all yours now that you can call home.

Now that it is a new year it is time to get going again and really start making your project the way you want it!


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