About Asian Comic Production

So who are we? Well, let’s take it from the top! Why are we the Asian Comic Production? The name is vastly profound in that it is derived from the creator’s gamer tag, Asiancomicdude. See? Profound. Okay all jokes aside, Asian Comic Productions came about as a way for content to be made and unified across platforms for the Asiancomicdude. Okay so who is the Asiancomicdude? Well, let’s go find out!

So Who is The Asiancomicdude?

That would be me, Casey. I am a simple guy who really enjoys anime and other digital media. But really who doesn’t in this day and age? While the main thing I want to talk about on here is going to be anime like I mentioned I really enjoy various digital media and understanding how it all works. So from time to time, I will talk about games, movies, art, and more. I wanted to really start making this website as a part of my new years’ resolution in 2023. Since college, I have wanted to make content but never really had a great organization of it all. My hope is that making this website helps keep me accountable for what I want to make and do in the future.