Cosplay Idea

So with convention season coming up for us, one thing many people love to do is get into cosplay and show it off at said conventions. Now some go all out and dedicate lots of time and money to make the best outfit they could. Now, these are awesome and deserve the utmost praise. The amount of time spent to get the details is always impressive. Many hours go into all of this and it can be daunting to some to want to join in.

While we want to look cool sometimes it is also hard to figure out where to start your cosplay adventures. One recommendation that many Disney fans like to do is called bounding. When it comes to bounding it is very similar to cosplaying but instead takes a more relaxed approach where you get the essence of a character while being recognizable. As such this year for some of the conventions, my goal is to try and pull off a Tanjiro-style cosplay/bounding. Originally I wanted to get in full demon slayer gear. But I have not found a good way to get the full outfit.

That is where I remembered bounding and thus wanted to try and find a way to make a Tanjiro-bound outfit. Something that would implement the checkered pattern and aesthetic. That is when I thought to see if there was any fan art people made with Tanjiro in modern clothing to only find some good news.

There was an image of Tanjiro in semi-normal lounge ware which I found online. There have been various promotional goods with this imagery which makes it a pretty good reference. I already have everything except the shoes, long sleeve outer garb, and the scar. Which are very easy to get going. Now for the outer garb, I have a short sleeve option I can just roll up the hoodie sleeves and it should work pretty well. Worst-case scenario we get another hoodie that we cut the arms off of.

This has become something that went from very challenging to pretty plausible and cool for when it comes time to get going. As time gets going I will try and post images of what I plan to work with.


Dealing with Grief


Love is in the air