Anime Conventions

While on a normal day-to-day, anime is a very personal interest that most people watch by themselves or with a small group of friends. It is almost like the tale of Cinderella, where we are if not semi-intentionally locked up enjoying our own interests but still want to attend some form of the grand ball. Now yes this is not a perfect analogy but you get what I mean. For us who enjoy anime and its various branching hobbies conventions are our grand ball. For those somehow not in the know but still on this page, conventions are large social gatherings where fans of all kinds can come together. Many conventions will hold panels where guests speak, artists selling their art, and businesses large and small selling their goods. It is a place where, within reason, people get to go wild and express their love for different things with others that feel the same way. The great thing about conventions is that for most people across the world, there are different conventions being held year-round to enjoy.

For the USA most conventions tend to vary in size across the country depending on location. Some of the largest ones are Anime Expo and Anime NYC due to the locations being in larger cities. These are the Tupac and Biggie of anime conventions in the USA. They bring in some of the biggest names in anime and related industries year after year due to their size. For those who what to experience what is almost the Disneyland of conventions then these are where you should look to go. But for many, these can be quite expensive and potentially overwhelming. A great alternative is to go to a smaller local convention. Many of these tend to be more fan oriented with just a little industry mixed in.

This year to kick off 2023 and the creation of the Asian Comic Production website we are going to be trying to attend a few different conventions to give you all a taste of what each holds. From small and medium conventions we hope that in the coming years, we can attend the Disneylands of conventions in the coming years to help share it with others. In the past, we have gone to a few as fans and we had a blast meeting like-minded people and getting to experience a whole new side to a hobby we love.


Love is in the air


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